Came Out of ICU

Came out of ICU
This is the case study of my client where his father came out of ICU within half an hour after doing suggested changes.
My client’s wife called me at 10:30 at night when her father in law had sudden mild attack of paralysis. His brain, face n speech got affected as he was talking something which was not understood by anyone. They took him to the hospital quickly.
She told me about the situation. I analysed my client’s horoscope ( Patient’s son) and suggested to remove few things from a particular drawer in North of NorthEast and Pickle pot from South East.
Client’s Father was going through MRI in the hospital when we were doing these changes.
15-20 minutes later, After the test got over, the doctor told my client that all of sudden his father got normal while going through the test. Symptoms vanished, He started talking normally and they couldn’t find the cause of it in MRI.
According to doctors, Something very big got resolved itself because of unknown reasons.
And this way, Astro Vastu Remedies once again worked wonders by the Grace of My Guru and God
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