Dream Home Model Orientation Program

You will Learn

Zonify your Home

You will Learn

Master Your Space

You will Learn

Remedify Your Space

You will Learn

House Selection|Construction process

You will Learn

Process of Plot Selection

You will Learn

3 Steps to Zonify a Space Professionally

You will Learn –​

Vastu Tips for the Success of Business


Every individual starts a business with the expectation of gaining success. To make profits, a businessman is always prepared to go the extra mile. Earning higher revenue is the primary motive, be it a large-scale company or a small one. To get success, a significant number of companies turn to astrology like Astro Vastu or Vastu Shastra. The principles of Vastu Shastracan help in almost all the operations of a business from starting up a new business to its expansion.

The placement of objects and activities in workplace holds equal importance, according to Vastu shastra. Vastu is the science that deals with the combination of all the five elements of nature. This helps in the balancing the lives of human beings in all aspects. Vastu is a science that has existed for ages. Thus, people have a strong belief in it and is followed by a majority of the masses.

Some useful Vastu tips for the business are:

These are general tips and for best results, proper study of the layout is required. You can also learn Vastu concepts through the best vastu shastra online course, provided by well reputed Vastu institute, Vaastu Sanjivanii. The online Vastu Course is conducted in 2 Levels. Level 1 is Dream Home Model Course Bundle followed by Level 2- Professional Vastu Course- Space Balancing Mastery. These Vastu Courses provide holistic approach of problem solvingThese courses help to reprogram our subconscious mind through the outer space i.e. our building as well as our inner space i.e. our mind. The course is well designed to suit all types of learners. Ms Neena S Arora, the founder and the ‘Dream Life Coach’ herself trains thestudents and covers the subject in a very interactive and practical manner.Thus, this course is recommendable as it is really helpful.